Affiliate & Influencer Program

Are you looking for a little extra cash in your pocket? Are you a Blogger or Influencer in the Outdoors Industry? Now you can earn commissions by promoting our products through our free to join Affiliate or Influencer Program.

Tell me more!

  • It couldn't be easier!
  • Register below as an Affiliate.
  • Once approved, log into your dashboard and create your first URL.
  • Add the URL to your Blog or Share it via Social Media.
  • When someone clicks on your affiliate link, a 30-day cookie is registered to them.
  • If they place an order, the sale will be credited to you, and you earn your commission.


Once you have Registered for your Affiliate Account, submit your Influencer Application to Your application should include as much of the following as possible:

  1. Reach and size of your audience
  2. Your audience's demographics
  3. Example of the quality and style of writing, photography and/or video
  4. Connection to other influencers
  5. Speed of communication (e.g., on average how long does it take you to post blogs etc and how often)
  6. Use of technology and tools (e.g., does the influencer tweet or post to Instagram etc)
  7. Show cultural credibility and align with brands Outdoors Geek believes in
  8. Do your fans engage with your content
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