Divi Shop Module for WooCommerce

You can create standard pages or insert Sections or Rows into an existing page and use the built in Divi Shop Module or standard WooCommerce shortcodes. What the Shop Module does is make it much easier to highlight and showcase your products. You can use the Shop Module to show a list of your most recent products or your top rated products etc and you can place them just about anywhere on your pages.

The first Three (3) examples are some of the different configuration setting you can use to filter & sort products.


Choose which type of products you would like to display in your product feed. You can choose from Recent Products which will display all of your products in chronological order, Featured Products, Sale Products, Best Selling Products, or Top Rated Products.

Product Count

Define the number products that you wish to display. You will need to have products made for anything to show up inside of this module.

Include Categories

Choose which categories you would like to include.

Columns Number

Chose how many columns to display in your shop module. 4 columns should be used for a 1 column row. 3 columns should be used for a 3/4 row column. 2 column should be used for a 1/2 row column. 1 column should be used for a 1/4 row column.

Order By

Choose how you would like your products to be ordered. Choose to order by Default Sorting, Popularity, Rating, Date, Priced Low to High, Priced High to Low, Oldest To Newest, Newest To Oldest.


Below are a few (of hundreds) example of different ways to display your products - each section is it's own display option.

Filter: Featured

This is the default Divi Shop Module configured to display 4 Featured Products. Once the module is setup, all you need to do is select the STAR icon on the Product List.

Category: Cooking Rental

This is the default Divi Shop Module configured to display 4 Patient Access Products. More than 1 category can be selected.

Divi Code Module

This is where you can enter specific "single" products in the order that you want in 1 to 4 columns per row using standard WooCommerce Shortcode. In the Code module, just inter the Product ID that you retrieve when you must over the product in the main Product List.

Integrated with Page Copy

This is where you can enter specific a single product (or multiple) into a column associated with page copy using standard WooCommerce Shortcode.

Sed vel euismod libero, id laoreet diam. Vivamus dui sem, pretium gravida massa auctor, mollis commodo dui. Nulla fermentum tincidunt ornare. Morbi enim magna, ullamcorper sit amet dapibus sed, hendrerit ut nunc. Integer id velit urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam et bibendum magna. Mauris hendrerit faucibus mi vel sollicitudin. Proin quis porta nunc. Duis finibus enim faucibus interdum viverra. Proin eget quam luctus felis euismod rutrum in ut justo.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut finibus eros dui, ac lacinia nulla pharetra sed. Etiam nec metus in ante ultricies vulputate. Sed tincidunt erat dui. Pellentesque sed sem euismod, pellentesque ipsum eu, tincidunt purus. Aliquam pretium ut nisi ac congue. Donec nulla massa, malesuada et ex et, dapibus tincidunt sapien.