It’s time for the Outdoor Retailer Summer Show, and we are geeking out! This is when we get to see all the new products that will be hitting the outdoor retail market in the spring and summer of 2018. We’re looking forward to seeing everything up close and in person, and we promise to test everything out to make sure that we only bring back gear that is going to help you have even better outdoor adventures than ever before. 

Outdoor Retailer Summer Show

CLICK on the image to get the scoop on this years summer market.

The future of the outdoors industry

The Outdoor Retailer Summer Show will be giving outdoors geeks the inside scoop on all things outdoor related. This is where all the greatest brands and the up-and-comers get to show off their products for the spring and summer of 2018. We no longer have to just read about it in Outdoor Retailers Daily (ORD)we get to see the new products, touch the new products, and maybe even demo the new products.

2018 outdoors gear

The summer market will feature the newest and most innovative gear, equipment, and apparel, and then, we’ll agonize over which products to bring back to our own outdoor retail shop to share with our customers. Obviously, we wish we could grab everything and run, but we have to be practical. After all, every successful outdoor adventure starts with being practical and well-prepared, so we’re only going to bring back the best of the best.

Lightweight and sustainable apparel

One trend that we can look forward to is the move toward making outdoor apparel lightweight and multifunctional. Making apparel that will take you from hiking, biking, paddling, climbing, and cycling and be effective in all outdoor activities will keep your weight down, giving you more freedom. New outdoors apparel promises to be compact, breathable, and lightweight.

Outdoor Retailers Summer ShowThis year’s summer market also promises to show us the world’s first recyclable membrane, made by Jack Wolfskin. This is the first outdoors jacket that is made from 100% recycled materials. As the outdoor industry grows, it’s important to continue to find ways to minimize our carbon footprint and make gear and apparel that is sustainable. If we don’t, pretty soon, we won’t have any outdoors anymore.

Get ready for the 2018 summer/spring collection of outdoor gear

Besides all the new gear technology we’ll be checking out, we’re also going to be seeing the latest in tents, sleeping bag, pads, and other fun stuff for us to bring back to our Denver shop. Get ready! Soon, you’ll be able to rent, try, or buy the newest gear ready to take outdoors geeks by storm in 2018.

Until then, you’ll have to settle for the best outdoors gear of 2017!