Camping Information and Checklists

Here at Outdoors Geek we not only get you geared you up with everything you need for your camping or backpacking trip. We can also help you in planning your trip and giving you great advice as we have plenty experience. This is our field! And that is why Outdoors Geek...
Unique Camping Accessories

Unique Camping Accessories

Yes, there is about everything and more when it comes to camping. When people think of camping or backpacking gear, they would most commonly think of backpacks, tents, cooking pots and pans, you know: the basics. More experienced outdoor buffs know that there is much...

Tips for Tent Care

Tents are made of durable and high-resistant materials that should last for many many years. But even so, inappropriate care and careless put away might damage a tent, even a new one. Today we share with you some tips and advice to make your tent last long, or so that...